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Page 9
"Arix, I need you."
The moment the words were out, his mouth moved over my pussy lips, licking across them and then up and down, only a few millimeters in. Fingers touched me, spread me apart, and then a wet finger moved inside.
"Ohh," I moaned, arching my back.
He curled his finger upward in a come here motion, rubbing against that special place while he licked my clit, first in flicking motions, then in long rasps that used every inch of his tongue. I bucked against his face and urged him on with my hips, begging him not to stop.
"I need you," he said.
I pulled him forward onto me, biting his lip as I slid my hand down to grab his cock, tickling the head. I jammed my tongue into his mouth, both of ours dancing together, and then I took his tongue between my lips and sucked on it like it was the tip of his penis, all the while stroking his cock with my hand. Against his will his hips moved forward, thrusting along with me, eager for more.
Unable to bear it any longer, he pulled away and reached down.
His tip found my lips, rubbing along them for moisture, then thrust inside, and he moaned, "Oh fuck," as he pushed all the way inside me to the hilt. Arix fell on top of me, smothering me with his muscle, wrapping strong arms around me like a blanket. I buried my face in his neck, kissing him along his shoulder, tasting the musky scent there and filling my nose as he slowly began pumping, gently moving in and out of my pussy, Arix's rhythms familiar and foreign all at the same time.
The sheets grew tangled as he pushed for more leverage. I spread my legs more, as wide as I could, desperate to get every inch of his dick inside of me. He moved faster, locking his knees to thrust in a push-up type motion, hitting an angle that made me groan and pull back my legs more. I could tell he was close to coming, the concentration on his face as he picked up pace. I wanted his load so deep in me, the warmth of it. I wanted to see Arix's eyes widen and tremble and the air to expel from his lungs, but as I grabbed his hair to urge him over the climax he slowed down.
"What is it?"
He lowered himself onto me and grinned. "I don't want to come yet. I want to stay inside of you as long as I can."
"Ohh, you're a tease."
"It's my first time, after all."
"An alien virgin," I purred. "My favorite."
Careful not to let himself slip out, he twisted 180 degrees and lay down beside me, his chest against my back, moving one slow millimeter at a time from behind. I reached down to grab the cloud-like comforter and pulled it over us, shielding us in a blanket of warmth.
"Just like that," I whispered as Arix nuzzled my ear between his teeth.
It was like switching from the Tango to a slow dance, careful, deliberate motions to keep Arix just on the edge and not launch him over it. He rocked back and forth, the hair from his happy trail tickling my ass as he slid in and out, wet and thick and full, that was what I felt most, that I was completely filled by him because our parts matched perfectly.
I reached back to put a hand on his hip, stopping him. Then I took over, slowly pushing my ass against him, to the base of his cock and then back up right to the tip, feeling every individual grain of skin along the way. Under the covers he wrapped an arm over me, and I took one of his fingers in my mouth and sucked on it, playfully biting, responding to Arix's moans and sighs behind.
"Do your kind make love?" I whispered.
"Not like this."
"Not like what?"
"Not this... intense. It's incredible."
Back and forth my ass went, gently fucking him along the edge of ecstasy.
Soon it was as teasing for me as it was for Arix, and I didn't think I could continue so slowly. I pressed against him harder each time, wanting every square inch of him, filling me the way I needed to be filled: completely.
I twisted and threw a leg over him, then used a hand to slide him back into my pussy while I mounted. I undid my hair tie to let my dark hair loose, cascading down on either side, framing our faces like dark curtains. I gave him a peck on the lips, pulled back to look into his eyes, then leaned in again, repeating the pecks on his nose, the stubble on his right cheek, then the left, then his chin, kissing him all over.
"I love the way your lips feel," he said, closing his eyes.
"Well, I love the way you taste."
He ran his hands over my thighs and ass, up my spine, then back down. He gripped my butt cheeks in both massive hands, cupping them, fingers almost meeting in the middle. Slowly he guided me up, then down, then up again, and I let him, enjoying his strength as I allowed myself to be controlled.
"Mmm," I moaned, bending down to kiss him harder. I threw off the comforter at the sudden surge of heat.
He gripped me tighter, the muscles on his arms bulging in a sheen of sweat, lifting me up and down on his cock. He moved faster, thrusting up at the same time as he pushed me down, impaling me again and again on his shaft. I leaned my head back and let out a half moan, half yell, and by the speed of his thrusts it drove him wild. My ass slapped down on his toned thighs with each movement, and then I was using my legs to join him, grinding down against him. I reached down and touched myself as I rode him, rubbing my clit in a circle, oh my fucking God did it feel good.
"I'm getting close," he rasped.
"Me too."
He squeezed my ass so hard it hurt, that's how strong he was, and damned if I didn't love the feeling just then as I bucked against him, arching my back and rubbing harder at my sex. Arix let out a low moan, growing in intensity like a siren. Pleasure forced my eyes shut and I roared with him, bucking recklessly fast now, unable to control my body as we roiled together on the sheets. Our joined cries of pleasure rose as we reached the edge together, and I pressed a palm against his chest and scratched at his chest hair as I came, my vision going white and the muscles in my pussy spasming uncontrollably.
The light increased in brightness, blinding everything around me.
"I'm coming," he yelled, thrusting wildly, and I opened my eyes to witness his ecstasy, Arix's eyes drinking me in as he pulled my ass down on his cock one final time, hips pushing deep into me as he came, and came, and came, trembling underneath me like he was freezing again, and his entire body brightened like a light bulb.
Slowly the light faded, and my body slumped onto his.
We remaining there unmoving for a moment that lasted an eternity.
"I'm sorry I shot you."
Arix was spooning me, and I felt his bristles brush against my shoulder as he shifted. "Oh?"
"Yes. I shot you, three times, and I regret it. So I'm saying that I'm sorry."
He settled back down on the pillow. "Apology not accepted."
His chest trembled with silent laughs. I reached back and playfully punched his arm.
"How does an alien have humor?" I wondered.
"Do you really want to know the answer," Arix said, "or are you just asking rhetorically?"
"...Do I want to know?"
"It's not so bad. Then again, I didn't think showing you my Karak form would be bad, and you instantly grabbed your gun to kill me."
"Well, there's no gun within reach right now, so I'd say you're safe."
"Lucky me." Arix's chest heaved with a deep breath. "Karak are able to shift into any form we meet. It's... I don't know. It's like an extra sense. The way a human can look at something with its eyes and instantly know what color it is. Karak can do that telepathically to anyone they sense nearby. So long as they try."
"Okay..." I said, not really understanding but not wanting to get caught up on the details.
"The night you hit me in the truck, I sensed you coming. I was drawn to the light of your truck, in truth, but then I sensed you inside. And as I reached out, and touched your consciousness for the first time, the immediate image that came to mind was this form."
"Leslie had just let me borrow the book," I said. "You're body--the model's body, I mean, from the cover of the book--was in m
y head."
"No wonder you wanted to jump my bones."
I nuzzled against Arix's warm body. "It wasn't a fair fight. You had an unfair advantage from the start."
"So. That's how I shifted into this body. That initial scan of you, your consciousness, gave me a general blueprint of human speech and interaction. But it wasn't very good--it never is, at first. Usually we Karak spend days and weeks studying and researching from orbit before we even consider making first contact."
"The concussion," I realized. "It wasn't that at all."
"A happy coincidence for me," Arix admitted. "The rest of social interaction I gleaned from your speech patterns, a few hours on the internet while you were in town... and from that book. The King's Officer."
Like a rose from a garden nobody has seen. So that's where he got the cheesy line. "You know, it's a wonder you have competent speech at all if you learned half of it from reading YouTube comments."
"Why do you say that?" he asked genuinely.
"It's--well, nevermind. Long story." I kissed his arm, savoring the way he felt. "So, bottom line: this body isn't an illusion."
"Well, no. Why would it be?"
"Just checking. I'm new to this whole alien thing. I want to know what I'm getting into. Or what's getting into me."
He didn't catch the joke. "This body is as human as any other." He squeezed me into it, testing the limits of his strength, and I squeaked as my ribs ached from the pressure. He relented and said, "It's all the same atoms, merely rearranged into a different form. Like, uhh, a file copied on your computer. Identical, even though it's different."
"Alright, you can stop selling. I'm convinced." Another thought occurred to me. "You admitted to getting into my head."
"Yes," he said carefully.
"That's really nifty and all, but humans are a private species. At least, the American version. I want you to promise me something."
He took a deep breath, inhaling my smell, and I felt him shudder and sigh with love. "Anything for you."
"Don't go into my head. At least, not without my permission. If I want to tell you something, I'll say it out loud. Alright?"
"That is a silly request."
"Pardon me?"
Arix made a chuckle-like noise in his chest. "Verbal communication is cumbersome and inefficient; much is lost in the translating of thoughts and emotions into words, often misinterpreted and misconstrued. Telepathic thought is clean and perfect."
"That may be true," I said, thinking of how many rom-com plots were based solely on crappy miscommunication, "but it's the way humans are. I need you to respect the privacy of my mind." I kissed him on the arm again. "Promise me?"
He answered immediately. "Of course. I promise, Jo."
We laid there for a while, resting and cuddling and sharing each other. I probed the idea in my head, that I was sleeping with an alien, and the more I considered it the less crazy it seemed. Obviously it would have been different if he were in some weird body, with eight arms or a head full of eyes or something. Nothing wrong with that, right? Men wouldn't give two shits about fucking an alien if it looked like Cindy Crawford.
"How did you crash?" I asked some time later.
"That's... a good question."
"You mean you don't know?"
"Karak scouts are put in stasis during long-distance travel," Arix explained. "I woke up from stasis only after crashing. So no: I am not aware how I crashed."
I blinked, and in a flash of insight I knew what had happened. "The night I hit you, Leslie told me some satellites collided in space. They had her working late on that."
"Satellites," Arix muttered. "That would explain it. My spacecraft was on a course to fall into a high-altitude equatorial orbit before waking me from stasis. We did not account for space debris from such a primitive society."
I rotated until I faced him, and gave him a look of faux outrage. "Who you calling primitive?"
"When we first picked out your planet for scouting," Arix explained calmly, "you had no such technology. We could not have predicted that you would advance to the space age so quickly."
"Yeah, we've moved fast in the last hundred years."
That took Arix by surprise; he frowned and said, "Our original surveys were done 50,000 years ago."
I almost laughed in his face. "Well no shit we've advanced since then."
He shook his head. "Such incredible advancement in so short a time. You humans are unlike anything we have ever seen."
I mentally waved it off as a moot point. If 50,000 earth years was a short period of time to the Karak, then I wasn't going to argue with him. Instead, I nuzzled my head into his chest and asked the loaded question that has been plaguing my mind.
"So what are you going to do now?"
I felt him flinch at the question, and regretted asking it. Arix caressed my hair with his fingers and waited a long while before answering.
"I do not know."
"Is there anything I can do to help?"
"Maybe." He stroked my hair some more. "I need to visit my craft. I should never have abandoned it in the first place, but that cannot be helped now. Can you tell me where those men live? Where they may have taken it?"
I sighed. "Yeah. About that. Those men, the Jones brothers, might be a problem. They have a history of doing this sort of thing, indulging in wild conspiracy theories... except this time, you know, they're actually right."
"So they have my craft? Good." Arix tilted my chin up until I faced him, and smiled down at me. "You don't need to worry about them. I spoke to them after you fled, and convinced them not to bother you or me anymore."
There was a smugness in his face that was distinctly human, and distinctly worrying. "Arix," I said slowly, "what did you do?"
His smile deepened. "Oh, nothing. Only followed them to their truck and demanded they not come around anymore."
Goddamnit. I had a jealous alien boyfriend. "That probably wasn't the best idea, Arix." His name still sounded weird on my tongue. But exotic, too. I liked it. "The Jones brothers are nutjobs. Calmly explaining yourself won't deter them. Hell, if anything it probably made them more curious."
A silence stretched.
"What's wrong?"
"Well." Arix cleared his throat, a distinctly human sound. "I didn't calmly explain myself. Not exactly."
I remembered Max and Liam in town, jumping into their truck and peeling away. The fear in their eyes in that moment was more intense than when I'd pointed a gun at them at my cabin.
And I knew exactly what could elicit such a response, because it'd been elicited from me.
"You showed them."
"They needed to be shown," Arix insisted. "You said it yourself: they are nutjobs. Too curious. It was the only way to scare them into leaving you alone."
He pulled away so he could stare more deeply into my eyes, and butterflies erupted from my stomach at his gaze.
"I was overwhelmed with the desire to protect you, Jo. My human emotions guided my actions before any calm, rational Karak decision could be processed. On your human world, I assumed such a human response would be evolutionarily applicable. Was I wrong?"
Of course he was fucking wrong. He had a perfectly good human body to use as a disguise, and instead he went and revealed himself to the only two alien hunting idiots in the entire goddamn state of Wyoming. It was probably the worst thing he could have done.
But his eyes pleaded with me, and I could see the good intentions there. He'd wanted to protect me, and had done what he thought was best. Sure, it was the wrong thing to do, but he'd tried his best with the knowledge he had. He was still learning. My alien was still getting used to this planet and its people.
My alien. The possessive thrust itself into place against my will, and damned if I didn't like how it sounded.
"You weren't wrong," I sighed. "But we may need to fix it."
"How will we do that?"
"I'll think of something." It hurt to leave
his embrace, but I sat up in bed to stretch my back. It'd been a while since I'd had a good ravaging, to use Arix's verb, and my body was feeling it. "The good news is all they have is their word. Nobody believes them as it is, so if they start screaming high and low about an alien living on my property people will just laugh at them. But they still might come here and harass me." I nodded to myself. "Yeah, they definitely will do that. They've finally got something worth pursuing, so I doubt they'll just shrug it off and leave me be."
Arix put a warm hand on my back, caressing the bumps of my spine. "I am sorry to have brought this trouble on you."
"We'll figure it out. Having them bugging me might suck, but at least they're only two people." I looked back at him. "Say. I don't suppose you can just, I don't know, blast them apart with lasers? Cause that would solve a lot of problems all at once."
But he shook his head, hair sliding across his eyes. He brushed it back and said, "I have the ability, yes. But my directive is not to harm any intelligent lifeforms on planets visited. Even if my own life is in danger."
"Well." I ran a finger along his chest, into the ridges of his six-pack. "Your directive also forbids making sweet, sweet love to a gorgeous human woman."
It was the wrong thing to say, and I knew it instantly. Arix's eyes widened and I could feel the pain wafting off him in waves. I quickly turned and gripped his head in my hands.
"Hey, it was a joke. Humans do that a lot, me more than most. I didn't mean to cause you any pain."
He gave a pained smile. "I know. Forgive me, Jo. It will take time to accept what I have done."
"There's nothing to forgive." I pressed my lips to his, a reassuring kiss more than sexual, and wrapped my arms around him, and wished I could take away his pain.
"When I return to Karak, I will need to tell the truth of what I have done." He nodded into my hair. "But I will not have regretted it, Joanna from Elijah, Wyoming. And I will tell my superiors that as well."
He meant the words to be comforting, but they stabbed me like a knife.
When I return.
Of course he was going to leave. What the hell else would he do? But deep down I had allowed myself to hope, to wish for the fairy tale ending that could not be.